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What is included in a Module/Lesson?

Faith Tutors currently has three types of modules/lessons. 

1. The Bible Modules

2. The Younger Family Modules​

3. Discipleship Connect (This is a mentor/family led membership class primarily for those within the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. If interested, please email.) 

These are HYBRID lessons that can be used by individuals, families, or a group.

  • ​Hybrid? Yes! 
    Printouts: There are printouts for each lesson. You are encourages to print these and find a place where you can access for the rest of your life with faith questions. 
    Online: The same information from the printouts is found online with expansions.

  • Questions?

The Bible Modules


  • Each module is suggested to be used over a year period.
    (One lesson to study for 2-4 weeks at a time.) 

  • Thus, in four years, you will have the time and space to cover a good portion of the Bible in its entirety. 

Hebrew Characters One

  1. This is the shortest (and cheapest) module, and should be included with the FREE Bible lessons. 

  2. ​Adam and Eve

  3. Cain and Abel

  4. Noah

  5. Abraham and Sarah

  6. Jacob

  7. Joseph

  8. Moses

  9. Joshua

Hebrew Characters Two

  1. Judges

  2. Ruth

  3. Samuel

  4. David

  5. Solomon

  6. Divided Kingdoms/Exile

  7. Isaiah

  8. Elijah & Elisha

  9. Esther

  10. Minor Prophets One

  11. Minor Prophets Two

Jesus Lessons

  1. Christmas​

  2. Baptism

  3. Fishers of People

  4. Sermon on the Mount

  5. The Lord's Prayer

  6. Healings

  7. Miracles

  8. Parables One

  9. Parables Two

  10. Holy Week

  11. Easter

  12. Ascension

  13. Pentecost

Christian Scripture Characters

  1. Mary(s) & Joseph(s)

  2. Herod(s)

  3. Anna and Simeon

  4. John the Baptist

  5. Peter & Andrew

  6. James(es) & John(s)

  7. Lazarus & Martha

  8. Pharisees & Sadducees

  9. Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, & the Woman at the Well

  10. The Bad Guys

  11. Paul

  12. Paul's Friends One

  13. Paul's Friends Two

The Younger Family Modules (In Process)

  • These modules are for those working directly with Faith Tutors. They are updated formats of the Faith at Home stories. Contact Disciples Home Missions if you are interested in downloading those stories. 

  • Permission to update these purchased stories in a hybrid format for younger families has been granted by the original authors and illustrators. 

  • These stories intentionally use the best practices for young children engaging with God through wondering with the story. (These are also some of the best practices for adults.)

  • They are also great for children's/family time at church that connects to home. 

Advent - Soon

  1. Isaiah

  2. Elizabeth

  3. Mary & Joseph

  4. Shepherds

  5. Jesus is Born

  6. Magi


  1. ​Lent Wreath

  2. The 10 Best Ways

  3. ​Jesus and the Children

  4. Jesus the King

  5. Jesus and the Passover

  6. Holy Week

  7. Easter

  8. The Road to Emmaus (New)


  1. The Good Shepherd

  2. The Good Shepherd and the Lost Sheep

  3. The Good Shepherd and the Wolf

  4. The Mustard Seed

  5. The Sower

  6. The Party

  7. The Good Samaritan

  8. The Kin-dom of God 

  9. The Soft Sand and Strong Rock

  10. The Prodigal Son

Women - Really Soon!

  1. Dinah

  2. Miriam

  3. Deborah

  4. Naomi

  5. Abigail

  6. Huldah

  7. Anna

  8. Martha

  9. Lydia

  10. Priscilla

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